I'm in the process of getting back to paying more attention to the EWHADP. Unfortunately, the research assistant that I hired last semester was not able to continue for very long (she got a better offer . . . oh well), and I was too busy trying to get myself up and running on number of other fronts to be able to devote any time to this project. I still have money left to pay someone to help with the database, but I think my better strategy now might be to just start to chip away it myself. There is plenty of work to be done before the database is updated to the point where I'm ready for another release, so don't hold your breath. But the project is not dead.
The first new thing I'm adding is information about a pair of Mississippian wall trench structures from the Knoebel site in Saint Clair County, Illinois. I stumbled across this 2012 paper by Jeffery Kruchten while I was seeing if I could find a copy of Charles Bareis' (1976) report online. No dice on the Bareis report, but Kruchten discusses two structures excavated in 2005-2006. In Kruchten's paper, the structures are designated Features 1 and 2, repeating feature designations that were used in the Bareis report. To avoid confusion in the EWHADP database, I have designated them "Feature 1 (2005)" and "Feature 2 (2005)." They will be Structures 2263 and 2264 when the new database comes out.
The first new thing I'm adding is information about a pair of Mississippian wall trench structures from the Knoebel site in Saint Clair County, Illinois. I stumbled across this 2012 paper by Jeffery Kruchten while I was seeing if I could find a copy of Charles Bareis' (1976) report online. No dice on the Bareis report, but Kruchten discusses two structures excavated in 2005-2006. In Kruchten's paper, the structures are designated Features 1 and 2, repeating feature designations that were used in the Bareis report. To avoid confusion in the EWHADP database, I have designated them "Feature 1 (2005)" and "Feature 2 (2005)." They will be Structures 2263 and 2264 when the new database comes out.